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Mauricio Macri: "Today we do not have a president in Argentina"

Mauricio Macri

Former president Mauricio Macri criticized the government of Alberto Fernández by stating that Argentina "does not have a president" due to the improvisation that prevails in the current administration. He also referred to the controversy over the co-participation funds that correspond to the city of Buenos Aires, which -according to his vision- "alters the constitutional order in an unacceptable way."

Macri did not spare criticism of his successor in the Casa Rosada and expressed that the Frente de Todos (FdT) government is based on "a sick culture of power that led us to this level of decadence, inflation and poverty that grows every day." .

"Worst of all, the government led us to leave the world. Either we are part of the world or we are not going to have a future," said the former head of state.

In addition, Macri maintained that the government is an "experiment that could have succeeded in deceiving a small portion of society that today is sorry, because when you improvise with people who are not prepared, this happens: today we don't have a president."

When you improvise with people who aren't prepared, this happens: today we don't have a president" When you improvise with people who aren't prepared, this happens: today we don't have a president" Share

Regarding Fernández's attitude of not complying with the Supreme Court ruling to return the co-participating funds to the Caba, he considered that "there is complete confusion about what is the fundamental role of a political leader."

"He (for Fernández) has to create conditions. But, when you violate the Constitution, all you do is fill the field with wells," he said.

In this sense, Macri compared what happened with the 1987 military uprising, led by the carapintadas, during the government of Raúl Alfonsín.

"It is one of the most serious things that has happened to us in recent days, only comparable to the uprising of the carapintadas. It is altering the institutional order in an unacceptable way. It is a clear violation of our democratic system. They should already be depositing the money in the bank," he said.

He also referred to the group of 18 governors who supported the position of the head of state, considering that "it was something very sad."

"They are governors who can be part of the future of Argentina and ended up shielding themselves with fallacious arguments and accompanying the violation of the national Constitution," he stressed.

"When you improvise with people who aren't prepared, this happens: today we don't have a president" When you improvise with people who aren't prepared, this happens: today we don't have a president" ShareRegarding Fernández's attitude of not complying with the Supreme Court ruling to return the co-participating funds to the Caba, he considered that "there is complete confusion about what is the fundamental role of a political leader.

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