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National Council of Education expressed rejection of the law that threatens the formation of Sunedu


After learning of the ruling of the constitutional Court that declared the unconstitutionality of the so-called Educational Counter-Reform Law binding on Sunedu, the National Council of Education (CNE) issued a statement and questioned the decision.

According to the council, the lawsuit that led to the ruling was filed "in a questionable manner" by a group of congressmen, "including several of those who initially promoted and approved it."

Weeks ago, thirteen legislators from caucuses such as Fuerza Popular and Perú Libre presented a claim of unconstitutionality against Law 31520. This motivated the TC declare this law constitutional with which the amparo action of  Judiciary that stopped its application.

"As is well known to public opinion, in July of this year the Congress approved by insistence said norm, which weakens the independence and effectiveness of the Sunedu and considerably reduces the rectory of the Ministry of Education over said level of the educational system ”, noted the council.

He added that various institutions "such as Sunedu itself, the Ombudsman's Office and various citizen organizations and personalities", initiated "amparo processes and demands" against the law approved in Congress.

"For its part, the CNE has spoken out and raised repeated alerts about the bills and the regulation finally approved, in addition to participating in spaces for analysis and debate about them," the educational entity specified.

The council expressed that at various times of the year "repeated alerts were issued and raised" about the risks of the counter-reform that was finally approved in the Legislature.

"The CNE  considers it opportune to reiterate some contents of its previous pronouncements, such as the one issued in November 2021, recalling that the National Educational Project to 2036 indicates that "the freedom of institutions to make decisions requires supervision mechanisms led by an instance independent of the supervisees themselves”, recalled the institution.

“Likewise, in February of this year, it called on Congress to avoid setbacks in promoting and ensuring the quality of university education, noting that the law in question cut the scope of the rectory of the Ministry of Education (...) Subsequently, In May, it issued a third statement (...) in which it stated that "the legal changes approved by Congress are contrary to the public interest," it added.

The last alert, according to the CNE, came last June when they urged Congress "not to insist on the approval of the autograph of the law euphemistically called "Law that restores the autonomy and institutionality of Peruvian universities", for consider that it significantly limited the capacity of the State”.

These alerts, according to the CNE, were ignored "when it was approved by insistence in the middle of the year." "While we wait for the Resolution of the constitutional Court to be made public, we trust that it will have taken into account these concerns that are shared by the numerous actors and sectors of public opinion that share our commitment to a quality university education for all young people. and adults”, it was remarked in the document.


The last alert, according to the CNE, came last June when they urged Congress "not to insist on the approval of the autograph of the law euphemistically called "Law that restores the autonomy and institutionality of Peruvian universities", for consider that it significantly limited the capacity of the State”.

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