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How to remove the bone from the hawthorn to prepare punch


The tejocote is a fruit native to Mexico, which received its name from the Nahuatl word texócotl, composed of the terms tetl and xocotl, which respectively mean hard and sour fruit, so its original meaning is: "hard fruit with a sour taste".

It is one of the elements that were added in Mexican territory to the traditional recipe for punch, whose name comes from the Hindi word pãc, which means five and began to be used to name this drink due to its original ingredients: wine brandy palm, sugar, lemon, water and tea.

In addition to hawthorn, in the Mexican Republic ingredients such as apple, guava, tamarind, sugar cane and hibiscus were added to the punch, which have given it a distinctive touch.

One of the steps for the preparation of this drink is to remove the bones from the fruit to avoid eating them. Among the most difficult elements to clean is the hawthorn, so it is advisable to learn some tricks to facilitate the task.

One of the easiest ways to remove the bone from the hawthorn is the following:

1. Take the fruit and place it horizontally on the chopping board.

2. Bury the knife in the central part.

3. Turn the hawthorn until you get two halves.

This transversal cut makes it possible to reach the entire bone. So once the fruit is split in half, all that remains is to remove it.

The tejocote gives an acid and slightly sweet touch to the punch. However, its delicious flavor is not the only benefit that its consumption brings, since it is a food rich in vitamins A, B, C, iron, calcium and bioactives.

In addition, it has little-known medicinal properties. One of them is the antioxidant, since it eliminates free radicals, resulting from cellular oxidation, which are responsible, among other things, for early aging.

It is also a diuretic food, that is, it increases the secretion and excretion of urine; as well as antispasmodic, so it is useful to calm spasms and is an ally in case of nervous problems.

The calcium and iron it contains favors bone health and the immune system, which is why it is used to relieve minor respiratory illnesses, such as flu, cough, bronchitis, and colds.

For the same reason, it prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases due to oxidation and inflammation of the cells.

Finally, its consumption is ideal for people with diabetes, since it lowers blood glucose levels. All this according to information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader).

The hawthorn harvest begins in August, but November and December are the months with the highest consumption. In 2020, national production was 5,186 tons, according to information from Sader.

Although it is mainly used in punch, it is also an ingredient for liqueurs, jams and preserves. It is best to eat it cooked because it is a fruit with an acid flavor, with a fleshy and hard pulp, but if you still decide to eat it fresh, the recommendation is that it be ripe.

It should be noted that it has more uses than gastronomy, this because it has pectin, which is a useful component for the manufacture of cosmetics, hygiene products and even in the pharmaceutical, textile and steel industries.


It is one of the elements that were added in Mexican territory to the traditional recipe for punch, whose name comes from the Hindi word pãc, which means five and began to be used to name this drink due to its original ingredients: wine brandy palm, sugar, lemon, water and tea.

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